
Thank you for this software! I've been searching for a Paint.NET alternative. Nothing else comes close.

I noticed there are a bunch of toggles hidden in the View menu's Show/Hide submenu and Tool Windows submenu. To toggle anything, it takes 3 clicks. It's so slow! Paint.NET has toggles in the toolbar for most of these, so they can be switched on and off with just 1 click.

I'd suggest:

  • Add buttons for these items from Show/Hide menu on the toolbar: Pixel Grid, Rulers, Status Bar, Tool Box, Image Tabs, Layers and History.
  • The button to toggle the Toolbar itself should be somewhere on the bar below the Toolbar (where the tool options are). It could be an upward caret ^ which changes to a downward caret v when the toolbar is closed.
  • I think the best place to put all of these are on the right side, so they are clearly distinct from the existing UI.
  • The Ruler button could be a split button with a little drop-down button on its right to choose from the Ruler Units menu quickly. (Not shown in mock-up.)

In the mockup, I have used red letters to represent the buttons, but it should really be some suitable icons.

  • I could imagine the Layer icon though, as it's similar to the button in the layer panel for Add Layer but without the plus.
  • But for the rest, I just used letters to show the placement. G is for Pixel Grid, R for Rules and so on. Ta is for Image Tabs.
  • Hope you can find or create the suitable icons. I think the icon for status bar could actually be an icon representing color picker, since that's where the color picker is.

BTW I'm using macOS. Not sure if it's somehow different in Windows or Linux.

Pinta Toolbar Toggles.png
suggested 1 year ago